Iron Maiden’s Steve Harris vil lave sit hus i England om til et hotel for fans

Idéen er Steve Harris' utrolige back-up plan for huset

Steve Harris of Iron Maiden
Sidst opdateret

Iron Maiden’s bassist, Steve Harris, har afsløret, at han ønsker at lave sit hus i England om til et hotel for Iron Maiden fans.

Steve Harris ejer et 8-værelses hus i byen Essex, England. I 2012 blev huset sat til salg for 6.75 millioner pund, men efter fem år med mange prisfald, er han nu kommet op med en alternativ plan for sin ejendom.

I et interview med den Svenske radiostation, Bandit Rock, forklarede Harris, at han sjældent besøger huset, nu hvor han bor i udlandet.

"I'm hardly ever there, I'm actually trying to sell it, so if anyone wants to buy it... it's a good chance to get an advert in for that!"

Tjek huset ud her:

Steve Harris fortsatte med at afsløre til Bandit Rock, at hvis han ikke kunne sælge stedet til sin reviderede pris, havde han en utrolig back-up plan.

"In an ideal world, I'd like to turn it into a boutique hotel, and I think Maiden fans would go there."

"I mean, I had a small bar in Portugal — called Eddie's Bar — which is no longer open; it closed a few years ago. But people used to come from all over the world just to go to that little bar, and I think maybe they would go to the house."

For at forklare hvorfor han syntes det er en god idé, uddyber Harris:

"We recorded some albums there, too, in the studio — 'Fear Of The Dark' we recorded there and a few others — and there's lots of memorabilia there and everything like that. So… I don't know. That would be a nice plan. A boutique hotel… It means I could still stay there as well, which would be great! It'd be an ideal world for me, really. Yeah, it'd be nice."

Iron Maiden’s klassiske ’Fear If The Dark’ – optaget i Steve Harris hus:

I interviewet forklarer Steve Harris, der i øjeblikket bor i Bahamas, grunden til at han har brugt de sidste 10 år på at bo i den Britiske koloni:

"I always wanted to really, 'cause we made albums in the early '80s at Compass Point studios — we made three albums there; we did 'Piece Of Mind', 'Powerslave' and 'Somewhere In Time' there. And then going back only a few years, we also did 'The Final Frontier' there."

"I got to fifty. I was running around on a football pitch. I was freezing my nuts off. It was wet, rainy, and I thought, 'You know what? I've had enough of this. I think I've done fifty years of my time in England with all this bad weather. I'm out of here.'

Der blev spurgt hvad han savner mest omkring England, hvor Harris grinte og sagde " The weather of course!", før han afslørede, at han stadig bruger meget tid i England på grund af turneringer og hans familie.

Iron Maiden afsluttede for nylig deres Book of Souls Would Tour, men har lovet at der kommer nogle overraskelser i 2018.