Manden bag Twerk It Like Miley og Golden er klar med ny musik!

Den platinsælgende hitmager’s nye single hedder No People og er hans 3. single i år.

Brandon Beal
Sidst opdateret

Navnet er naturligvis Brandon Beal.

Denne gang har Brandon Beal kastet sig over en ny sprød dancehall vibe, men stadig med den store kærlighed til sin dame

”….No People basically explains that no matter what’s going on around us all I’m thinking right now is being with you.

It refers to being in the club with so much chaos going on, so many people, everybody’s turned up, and most would

think it was an insane party, but I’m not phased by it, because she is my main and only focus. All I want is to be all alone with her”

Brandon Beal vil altså hellere hænge ud derhjemme end på klubben.