Sigala og James Arthur ude med nye beats!
Ugens Voice Choice er Sigala og James Arthur med 'Lasting Lover'.
Sigala og James Arthur er gået sammen på deres fælles nye single 'Lasting Lover', som er skrevet af Lewis Capaldi.
“This song was actually written by Lewis Capaldi, and so I first heard it as an acoustic track. From there, it has been a very fun journey to take it to where it is now. I have wanted to work with James Arthur for ages, as I love his voice. You may also be able to tell, I am a massive MGMT fan, so it’s been really cool to be able to blend everything together, and I hope everyone enjoys the result”, fortæller Sigala.
James Arthur bragede igennen med 'Say You Won’t Let Go', der gik #1 i Danmark. Derudover har han hittet med 'Nobody' med danske Martin Jensen, samt 'Rewrite The Stars' som han sang med Anne-Marie.